

Marks Distribution for the Under-graduate students of Srinivas University is as follows :

For Internal Assessment – 50 marks

1st Internal Examination – 15 marks

(Examination should be conducted for 30 marks which should include 20 marks for Descriptive type questions and 10 marks for multiple choice questions each carrying one mark)

2nd Internal Examination – 15 marks

(Examination should be conducted for 30 marks which should include 20 marks for Descriptive type questions and 10 marks for multiple choice questions each carrying one mark)

Assignment & Presentation – 10 marks

Attendance & Class Behaviour – 10 marks


Total – 50 marks


Final Semester End Exams.

Total marks – 50 marks

The question paper should contain Part – A & Part – B.

Part – A should contain 12 multiple choice questions wherein students have to answer any 10 questions carrying one mark each. 10 marks

Part – B should contains 2 questions from each unit wherein students have to answer any one question carrying 8 marks. There will be 5 units carrying 8 x 5 marks 40 marks

The students should get minimum 25 marks in semester end examinations and minimum 25 marks in the internal assessment in order to pass in the particular subject.