News & Events


On 5th June, 2021, as a part of celebrating World Environment Day, keeping the lockdown guidelines in mind College of Commerce and Management, Srinivas University, has arranged several activities on the virtual platform. Srinivas University giving encouragement to fostering environmental awareness. Various activities were conducted for the B.COM students to create awareness towards our environment. B.COM Students were asked to make a video related to cleaning the surrounding and planting saplings. Planting Saplings activity was kept for students. Procedure of planting a sapling was clearly explained to the students before the commencement of the activity. Students and faculty participated in the activity with great enthusiasm. Our students were guided by Prof Keerthan Raj- Dean of College of Management and Commerce. Prof. Sharmila S. Shetty – Course Co-ordinator of B. Com, Prof. Shilpa K. – Co-ordinator of NSS wing.