This office is looking after all Operations and Administrative Activities related to Examinations of this university. The undergraduate and Post graduate semester examinations of Srinivas University are conducted by the office headed by the Registrar Evaluation. Equipped with IT enabled facility, it is committed towards the development of an International Standard Secured Examination Processing System to cater the global changes in the assessment system of the academic parameters.

The major administrative responsibilities of the Registrar Evaluation include the following:

1.Planning of Examination related Semester wise Activity Calendar. Issue of all type of notification/circular etc. related to examination and preparation of detailed schedule of Examinations.

2.Computerized generation of various appointment letters related to examinations under the signature of the Registrar Evaluation.

3. Arrangement of printing of all Question papers and sending the same to the examination venue in sealed envelopes.

4.Computerized processing of application forms and issue admit cards to the eligible candidates.

5.Make such other arrangements as may be required for smooth conduct of examinations.

6.Compilation of marks received from the departments in a computerized system to repare the Tabulation Rolls and to publish the results.

7.Issue mark sheets to the candidates after publication of result.

8.Arrange for make up examination/challenge valuation of answer scripts and revised mark sheet.

9.Prepare Degree Certificates for endorsement by the Vice Chancellor & to prepare Merit Certificates for issuance during University Convocation.

10.Issue such other certificates (Academic Transcripts, Provisional Certificates etc.) as may be required from time to time to the candidates against requisite fees.

11.Any other activities related to examinations or desired by Vice Chancellor.

The Office of the Controller of Examinations is open to students on all working days within Office hours. The students and Faculties may directly contact the Registrar Evaluation in the mail id